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ERIC Number: ED274601
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1986-Aug-15
Pages: 9
Abstractor: N/A
Japanese-American Trade: 1797 to the Present. Suggested Lessons.
Rindsberg, Helen
The three lessons included in this packet are from a unit on Japanese and United States trade in the 1960s which is offered by the Cincinnati Public Schools for 11th and 12th graders. The first involves individual students completing an attitude survey which focuses on Japan, class discussion, presentation of a teacher-prepared lecture based on the paper "The Sons of Heaven Confront the Barbarians," and a student compilation of key economic and cultural aspects of the two countries. The second lesson employs a handout of quotations from persons involved in Japanese-United States trade negotiations between 1797 and 1860. Students are to identify cultural values held by the writers, generalize these into "Japanese values" and "United States values," and then discuss how values shape governments' economic policies. The third lesson involves the viewing of a 16mm film "Japan--An Overview" available from the Japan Consulate. Following the film, discussions of cultural values are directed toward their impact on Japanese-United States trade. (BZ)
Publication Type: Guides - Classroom - Teacher
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Identifiers - Location: Japan; United States
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A