ERIC Number: ED274327
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1985-Jan
Pages: 8
Abstractor: N/A
Using Television in Schools: Some Suggestions for Teachers. Papers on Information Technology No. 240.
Bates, A. W.
For television to be used effectively, teachers need to reorganize their teaching to increase the children's interaction with the program material. One way of getting more participation is to preview and pre-record a program, stopping the replayed cassette at key points, questioning the class, and having them discuss the sequence just seen. Another suggestion is to select and edit extracts from video resource materials that are relevant to specific teaching needs, e.g., using a computer animation or an experiment. Once appropriate video materials have been identified, they can be combined with books or printed materials, and a range of questions or activities for individual learners or small groups can be designed. The last approach suggested would be to have children and teachers create their own audiovisual materials, using low-cost cameras and editing equipment. Cooperation between staff members and reappraisal of the curriculum, with thought being given to other resources such as books and computing facilities, and how they can best be integrated with video, offers the best chance of using television successfully. (DJR)
Publication Type: Journal Articles; Opinion Papers; Guides - Classroom - Teacher
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Open Univ., Walton, Bletchley, Bucks (England). Inst. of Educational Technology.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: Article prepared for the London Times Educational Supplement, January 1985.