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ERIC Number: ED273676
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1986-Apr
Pages: 27
Abstractor: N/A
Grade Equivalents: We Report Them, You Should Too.
Ligon, Glynn; Battaile, Richard
In certain situations, grade equivalent scores are the most appropriate statistic available for reporting achievement test data. It is noted that testing practitioners have found that raw scores, normal curve equivalents, stanines, and standard scores are very useful. However, it is best to convert to either grade equivalents or percentiles before communicating them to lay audiences. In the Austin, Texas Independent School District, both grade equivalents and percentiles are routinely reported to high school students' parents. Elementary school parents receive percentile scores routinely, but may request grade equivalents. Both percentiles and grade equivalents are often misinterpreted; the shortcomings of percentiles are merely less well known. Seven critical questions that can be used to decide whether achievement test results should be reported in grade equivalent or percentile scores are presented and briefly discussed. These questions can be located along two dimensions: comparison standard and time. The five standards of comparison are: (1) grade level; (2) peers; (3) all students, all grades; (4) self; and (5) students at the same achievement level. The two criteria involving time periods are: achievement status to date; and pretest posttest gain. Appendices include a 1977 publication describing myths in interpreting grade equivalent scores and an information kit containing training materials on grade equivalents, percentiles, and norming a standardized test. (GDC)
Publication Type: Speeches/Meeting Papers; Reports - Evaluative
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Researchers
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Austin Independent School District, TX. Office of Research and Evaluation.
Identifiers - Assessments and Surveys: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills; Tests of Achievement and Proficiency; Texas Educational Assessment of Minimum Skills
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A