ERIC Number: ED273129
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1985
Pages: 93
Abstractor: N/A
Foreign Languages K-12. Minimum Standards Leadership Series.
Ohio State Dept. of Education, Columbus. Div. of Elementary and Secondary Education.
A guide to minimum standards for foreign language instruction in Ohio elementary and secondary schools is designed to asisst administrators, guidance counselors, foreign language teachers, and others involved in providing foreign language learning opportunities in the public schools. Part I examines the reasons for foreign language study and language learner characteristics. Part II discusses elements of an effective language program, including the concept of language proficiency, teaching methods, error correction and analysis, the sociocultural context of language learning, evaluating outcomes, program articulation, pre-ninth grade offerings, multilevel classes, inservice teacher education, materials and media, electronic language practice systems, and microcomputer use for instruction. Part III presents guidelines and examples for developing courses of study complying with state minimum standards. Appended materials include the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages' Provisional Proficiency Guidelines, the report of the Task Force for Foreign Language of the Advisory Council for College Preparatory Education, a suggested procedure for developing a foreign language program philosophy, lists of specific foreign language skill objectives, a guide to observation of a foreign language class, and a list of resources for foreign language education. (MSE)
Descriptors: Articulation (Education), Computer Assisted Instruction, Educational Benefits, Educational Objectives, Elementary Secondary Education, Inservice Teacher Education, Instructional Materials, Minimum Competencies, Program Development, Second Language Instruction, State Curriculum Guides, State Standards
Publication Type: Guides - Non-Classroom
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Ohio State Dept. of Education, Columbus. Div. of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A