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ERIC Number: ED272729
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1986
Pages: 397
Abstractor: N/A
American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference. Proceedings (32nd, St. Louis, Missouri, April 9-12, 1986).
Schnittgrund, Karen P., Ed.
These proceedings contain the reports of almost 100 speeches, panel discussions, and workshops. The papers were presented on a variety of issues, including marketing research ethics, lifeline banking, information and the consumer, financial management, evaluating consumer education literature, consuming units around the world, the consumer and food, the consumer expenditure survey program, expenditure patterns, consumer behavior and education, credit, economic concepts, Illinois guidelines for consumer education, and the consumer field. Selected titles of particular relevance to education are "Changing Issues, Changing Agendas: Winning for the Consumer in the Next 50 Years" (Rhoda Korpatkin); "Estimating the Returns to Informed Decision-making: What Is a Subscription to Consumer Reports Worth?" (Brenda J. Cude); "Effects of Nutrition Label Format on Consumer Nutrition Decisions" (Joel Rudd); "Stress from Financial Problems and Ways of Coping: Implications for Financial Counselors" (Joye Dillman and Sally E. Horton); "Work after Retirement" (Jeanne M. Hogarth); "Sources and Types of Bias in Consumer Education Literature" (Jean Bowers); "Rationalizing Food Buying for Industrial Society: The Role of Consumer Educators" (Ann M. Christner); "Student Involvement in the Consumer Movement" (Richard McClintoch); "Family as a Consuming Unit: Overlooked Variable in the Modernization Process" (Revathi Balakrishnan); "Measures of Economic Well-Being: Husband and Wife Consensus" (Mari S. Wilhelm and Donna R. Iams); "Development of a Consumer Issues Attitude Inventory Based on a Descriptive Framework of the Consumer Interest" (Jean M. Lown); "Food Related Attitudes: Difference between Employed and Unemployed Women" (Anna Resurreccion and S. E. Prussia); "Consumer Price Index: Incorporating Results from the Consumer Expenditure Survey" (Charles C. Mason); "Wife's Education and Family Food Expenditures" (Ann C. Foster); "Women's Labor Force Participation: Economic Implications for Retirement Planning" (roundtable discussion); "Retirees as Volunteer Consumer Educators" (Mary Edmondson and Raymond Forgue); "High School and College Students' Consumer Actions: Implications for Consumer Education" (Barbara Pershing); "A New Assessment of the Benefits of Consumer Education" (Mary Carsky and Glen Mitchell); "Testing the Effectiveness of a Consumer Education Program for Preschoolers" (Louise Heslop and Kathleen Brophy); "Understanding Young Consumers: Cognitive Abilities and Task Conductors" (Deborah Roedder John); "Issues in Measuring Young Children's Responses to Television Advertising" (M. Carole Macklin); "Cable TV: Emerging Consumer Issue" (Lee Richardson and Martin Lazar); "St. Louis Public Schools Consumer Education Program: A National Model" (panel discussion); and "Teaching Ethics and Human Values through Consumer Education: Contributions to Aristotle, Kant, and Mill" (Audrey Peterson). (KC)
American Council on Consumer Interests, 240 Stanley Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211.
Publication Type: Collected Works - Proceedings; Opinion Papers; Reports - Research
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: American Council on Consumer Interests, Columbia, MO.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A