ERIC Number: ED271072
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1986-Mar
Pages: 164
Abstractor: N/A
A Review of Health Professions Requirements Studies.
Health Resources Administration (DHHS/PHS), Hyattsville, MD. Bureau of Health Professions.
Estimated and projected requirements for health personnel at the state and national levels are presented, based on a review of 56 health manpower requirements studies published between 1976 and 1986. The studies were grouped according to four methodological approaches used to make estimates: health (or medical) needs approach, professional judgment-based approach, demand/productivity-based approaches, and prepaid group practice approach. For each study, underlying factors and/or assumptions inherent in the methodology were coded (e.g., morbidity/demand-related factors, supply/productivity-related factors, delivery system-related factors). Estimates of health manpower requirements from the studies were converted to ratios of health professionals per 100,000 population. After briefly describing the national and state studies, ratio tables are presented that indicate the range of selected requirements ratios by health profession group, and requirements ratios for each health profession group according to the specific study. The longest section of the document consists of abstracts of the studies, which include bibliographic information, the health fields covered, purpose, methodology, and underlying factors and assumptions. Studies that were reviewed but excluded from the analysis are identified in an appendix, and bibliographies of both the abstracted and the excluded studies are also appended. (SW)
Descriptors: Abstracts, Allied Health Occupations, Employment Patterns, Health Personnel, Health Services, Higher Education, Labor Needs, National Surveys, Population Trends, Predictive Measurement, Professional Personnel, Research Methodology, State Surveys
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
Publication Type: Information Analyses; Reference Materials - Bibliographies
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Health Resources Administration (DHHS/PHS), Hyattsville, MD. Bureau of Health Professions.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A