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ERIC Number: ED270044
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1986
Pages: 171
Abstractor: N/A
ISBN: ISBN-0-89964-244-6
Prospect Research: A How-to Guide.
Strand, Bobbie J., Ed.; Hunt, Susan, Ed.
Advice on prospect research to help colleges raise more money from major donors is provided in 14 chapters, and 15 sample forms for processing research are appended. The advice covers how to discover prospects' interests and assets, and the potential match of a donor to the college's needs. Chapters address: collecting, organizing, and evaluating research on corporations, foundations, and individuals; writing a research manual; creating a productive research environment; and conducting telephone research. Chapter titles and authors are: "An Introduction to Prospect Research" (Alfred Blum, Jr.); "A Prospectus for Prospect Research" (Emily Pfizenmaier Henderson); "Creating a Productive Research System" (Bobbie J. Strand); "Portrait of a Prospect" (B. Strand); "Finding the Fabulous Few: Why Your Program Needs Sophisticated Research" (E. Henderson); "Evaluating and Analyzing Research" (B. Strand); "Prospect Research on Corporations and Foundations" (Mary Kay Murphy); "Critical Clues in Foundation and Corporate Research" (B. Strand); "Writing a Prospect Research Staff Manual" (Betty Taylor Bright, Bruce William Flessner); "Telephone Research: Strategic Tool in Fund Raising" (M. Murphy); "Managing the Research Process" (B. Strand); "Prospect Management and Tracking" (B. Strand); "The Future Role of the Prospect Researcher" (Marc W. Jaffe); and "Working Tools" (B. Strand). Information on books that should be included in a research library is included, along with an annotated bibliography. (SW)
Council for Advancement and Support of Education, Publications Order Department, 80 South Early Street, Alexandria, VA 22304 ($20.50).
Publication Type: Guides - Non-Classroom; Tests/Questionnaires; Collected Works - General
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Administrators; Support Staff; Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Council for Advancement and Support of Education, Washington, DC.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A