ERIC Number: ED268860
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1985-Sep
Pages: 63
Abstractor: N/A
Funding and Legislation Relating to State-Supported Colleges and Universities, 1985 General Assembly and 1985 First Extraordinary Session. Legislative Summary.
Arkansas State Dept. of Higher Education, Little Rock.
Actions taken on higher education by the 1985 Arkansas General Assembly and the First Extraordinary Session are summarized. Successful and unsuccessful legislation are identified, and the appropriation and funding process for each institution is shown in chart form. The general revenue appropriations for higher education for the 1985-1987 biennium are also summarized. The following tables are included: institutional requests and State Board of Higher Education recommendations, legislative appropriations, allocations in the Revenue Stabilization Act, 1985-86 funding estimates, and allocations of the promotion grants fund. Historical trends for higher education funding compared to state support of other agencies are also covered, along with actual general revenue distributed to public higher education for the last three biennia. Maximum authorized salary levels for selected key college positions are also listed. State recommendations for general improvement fund projects (e..g, maintenance, libraries, and instructional equipment) are also considered, along with the resulting Revenue Stabilization Act. Legislation and resolutions adopted in 1985 are listed and briefly described, and specific actions taken by the state senate and house on each bill are documented. (SW)
Descriptors: Budgeting, Capital Outlay (for Fixed Assets), Educational Finance, Government School Relationship, Higher Education, Operating Expenses, Political Influences, Public Colleges, Resource Allocation, Salaries, State Aid, State Boards of Education, State Colleges, State Legislation, State Universities, Trend Analysis
Arkansas Department of Higher Education, 1301 West Seventh Street, Little Rock, AR 72201-2993.
Publication Type: Numerical/Quantitative Data
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Arkansas State Dept. of Higher Education, Little Rock.
Identifiers - Location: Arkansas
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A