ERIC Number: ED268289
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1985-Oct
Pages: 21
Abstractor: N/A
Review of the Scoring Procedures for the Occupational Competency Assessment Program in Pennsylvania. Final Report. Vocational-Technical Education Research Report.
Kapes, Jerome T.; Welch, Frederick G.
Procedures for establishing the cutoff scores for the occupational competency exams administered to individuals graduating from Pennsylvania vocational teacher education programs were reviewed. A total of 595 National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) Exams administered in 43 occupations or trades at three colleges between the years 1979 and 1984 were reviewed. Test scores were compared with respect to exam date, test site, exam code, percentage of correct responses for written and for performance tests, and pass/fail decision for written and performance tests respectively. It was concluded that Pennsylvania could and should use the national norms provided on those exams to make the pass/fail decisions for prospective vocational teachers. Whatever decision is made concerning a cutoff for the performance exam, it should be based on the same rationale and be consistent with the method used for the written exam. The 95 percent confidence interval (two standard errors [SE]) should be used in implementing any cutoff decisions. In those cases where the two SE cutoff does not result in a sufficient supply of vocational teachers, a mechanism should be implemented to permit individuals to teach temporarily while they improve their occupational knowledge until they meet minimum standards. (Appendixes to this report include six tables detailing the test score statistics compiled.) (MN)
Descriptors: Cutting Scores, Educational Policy, Error of Measurement, Evaluation Criteria, Minimum Competency Testing, Norm Referenced Tests, Pass Fail Grading, Policy Formation, Postsecondary Education, Scoring, Scoring Formulas, State Standards, Statewide Planning, Tables (Data), Teacher Evaluation, Test Interpretation, Test Norms, Testing Programs, Vocational Education, Vocational Education Teachers
Publication Type: Reports - Evaluative
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: Pennsylvania State Dept. of Education, Harrisburg. Bureau of Vocational and Adult Education.
Authoring Institution: Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. Div. of Occupational and Vocational Studies.
Identifiers - Location: Pennsylvania
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A