ERIC Number: ED267350
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1981
Pages: 82
Abstractor: N/A
Teenage Pregnancy: The Problem That Hasn't Gone Away.
Alan Guttmacher Inst., New York, NY.
This document gives information about teenage pregnancy and related issues. The document is divided into 10 sections and then further subdivided into components. The components contain prose summaries with statistical charts. Section 1, Sexuality Activity and Marriage, provides data on trends in premarital sex and marriage rates for black and white adolescents. Section 2, Contraceptive Use, contains data on contraceptive use, choice of contraceptive method, effects of using contraceptives, and reasons for nonuse. The third section, Teenage Pregnancy and Its Resolution, discusses unwanted pregnancy and abortion rates. Section 4, Adolescent Births, compares the adolescent birth rate of the United States to rates of other countries and examines the issues of marriage and adoption. Section 5, Consequences of Teenage Childbearing, presents data on adverse health, social, and economic consequences of teenage pregnancy, including infant death risk, low-birth-weight babies, and financial problems of teenage parents. Section 6, Sex Education, looks at the issue of sex education by state. Section 7 deals with family planning services and contraceptive research. Section 8 provides data on abortion services; section 9 discusses services to pregnant teenagers, adolescent parents, and their babies; and section 10 considers the feasibility of solving the problem of teenage pregnancy. (NRB)
Descriptors: Abortions, Adolescents, Birth Rate, Contraception, Early Parenthood, Pregnancy, Pregnant Students, Sex Education, Statistical Analysis, Unwed Mothers
The Alan Guttmacher Institute, 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 ($5.00/copy, discount on more than 11 copies).
Publication Type: Reports - Research
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Alan Guttmacher Inst., New York, NY.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
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