ERIC Number: ED266514
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1985
Pages: 82
Abstractor: N/A
ISBN: ISBN-0-88210-071-8
Parliamentary Procedure without Stress. Revised Edition.
McDow, Roberta M.
Intended for anyone approaching parliamentary procedure for the first time, this booklet is designed to provide a lucid explanation of parliamentary rules and the reasons for them. Chapter 1 discusses organizations, considering such things as bylaws, officers' titles, impartiality of the chair, boards, and committees. The second chapter--on the order of business--discusses the quorum and the call to order, opening exercises, reading and approval of minutes, reports of officers and committees, special orders, unfinished business and new business, adjournment, and the secretary's responsibilities. Chapter 3 explores all aspects of preparing the minutes, while chpater 4 discusses the making of a motion. Methods of voting are examined in chapter 5 and nominations and elections are discussed in chapter 6. The next three chapters discuss and define the following types of motions: subsidiary, privileged, and incidental. The final chapter explains restoratory and other motions such as those that are out of order, and dilatory motions. (Appendixes include an agenda planner, a tellers' tally sheet, a precedence chart, and a chart of motions.) (HOD)
Descriptors: Group Dynamics, Meetings, Organizational Communication, Parliamentary Procedures, Secondary Education, Speech Communication, Student Organizations, Student Participation, Voting
National Association of Secondary School Principals, 1904 Association Dr., Reston, VA 22091 ($5.00; payment must accompany orders of $15.00 or less).
Publication Type: Guides - Non-Classroom
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: National Association of Secondary School Principals, Reston, VA. Div. of Student Activities.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: For the first edition, see ED 151 900.