ERIC Number: ED265789
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1985
Pages: 96
Abstractor: N/A
Agreement between Oakland University and the Oakland University Chapter, American Association of University Professors, 1985-88.
American Association of Univ. Professors, Washington, DC.; Oakland Univ., Rochester, MI.
The collective bargaining agreement between Oakland University and the University's chapter (370 members) of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) covering the period 1985-1988 is presented. Items covered in the agreement include: definitions and recognition of AAUP, academic titles, AAUP rights, university management, employment procedures, appointment of department heads, review of faculty, faculty reemployment and promotion, tenure, types of layoff, layoff procedures and monetary entitlements, recall, discipline and discharge, professional responsibilities outside of professional work, teacher regular salaries and summer pay rate, salaries of chairpersons and coordinators, fall/winter off-campus overload pay, salaries for visiting faculty and special lecturers, medical/dental insurance, life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment, professional liability insurance, long-term disability, enrollment in courses, retirement, reemployment of retired employees, retirement incentive plan, reduced work schedule prior to retirement, faculty travel and travel insurance, leaves with and without pay, academic librarians, grievance procedure, and access to personnel files. Appended are information on salary levels by rank for 1985, 1986, and 1987 and information on student-faculty ratio. (SW)
Descriptors: Arbitration, Collective Bargaining, College Faculty, Contracts, Department Heads, Early Retirement, Employment Practices, Faculty Evaluation, Faculty Promotion, Grievance Procedures, Higher Education, Leaves of Absence, Personnel Policy, Reduction in Force, Retraining, State Universities, Teacher Employment Benefits, Teacher Salaries, Tenure, Unions
Publication Type: Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: American Association of Univ. Professors, Washington, DC.; Oakland Univ., Rochester, MI.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A