ERIC Number: ED250530
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1984-Aug
Pages: 198
Abstractor: N/A
The Special Child: Student Laboratory Manual.
Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock. Home Economics Curriculum Center.
This laboratory manual was designed for use by students in postsecondary courses that prepare them to be child caregivers or directors. The workbook is especially useful for students in lecture-laboratory courses on mainstreaming children with special needs into regular child care settings. This manual, designed as a laboratory experience guide and workbook, is written at a 10th-grade reading level. The format permits students to answer questions and make notes directly in the manual. The manual is organized into six units that correspond with the units in the Instructor's Guide. The units cover the following topics: understanding mainstreaming, the caregiver's role in screening and assessment, understanding special needs, promoting positive interactions, learning in the mainstreamed child care program, and supporting parents. Each unit begins with performance objectives. The objectives correspond with the unit objectives in the Instructor's Guide. An overview introduces basic concepts related to the unit topic. Suggested readings for indepth study are given at the end of the overview. Laboratory experiences in each unit include both observation and participation assignments. The learning objectives for each experience are designed to help students achieve one or more of the performance objectives. Participation evaluation forms are included for the instructor's use in evaluating a student's performance in the laboratory. Other components of the student laboratory manual include guidelines for successful laboratory experiences, a glossary, and a 16-item bibliography. (KC)
Descriptors: Child Care Occupations, Child Caregivers, Child Development, Child Rearing, Citations (References), Classroom Techniques, Day Care, Day Care Centers, Definitions, Demonstrations (Educational), Disabilities, Exceptional Persons, Individualized Education Programs, Laboratory Procedures, Learning Activities, Lesson Plans, Mainstreaming, Normalization (Handicapped), Postsecondary Education, Teaching Methods
Home Economics Curriculum Center, Texas Tech University, Box 4067, Lubbock, TX 79409-4067.
Publication Type: Guides - Classroom - Learner
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Students
Language: English
Sponsor: Texas Education Agency, Austin. Dept. of Occupational Education and Technology.
Authoring Institution: Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock. Home Economics Curriculum Center.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: For the instructor's guide, see CE 040 060.