ERIC Number: ED249655
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1984
Pages: 373
Abstractor: N/A
A Citizen's Notebook for Effective Schools.
Zerchykov, Ross, Comp.
This document is a loose-leaf collection of materials intended to help citizens become active in working to make schools more effective. Its organization and contents are geared to three kinds of information needs. Part A provides research evidence on what works in instruction. It includes (1) a summary of the "Effective Schools" research, (2) a discussion of its implications for citizen participation, (3) 15 concise fact sheets on how school practices relate to student achievement, and (4) research briefs on 41 major studies of effective school improvement. Part B provides examples, in the form of "practice profiles" describing 47 local school improvement projects in 36 communities in 21 states. Part C catalogs three kinds of resources: (1) reading lists that describe available guides and materials; (2) a census and summary of assistance and information from 30 community education centers; and (3) one-page resource abstracts for each of 13 organizations and more than 50 resource people nationwide. Topical and geographic indexes are included, followed by two appendixes. One provides specific answers to questions on "how to measure your school's effectiveness," and the other provides resource briefs and samples of effective practices at the high school level. (TE)
Descriptors: Citizen Participation, Community Involvement, Educational Improvement, Educational Research, Elementary Secondary Education, Information Sources, Parent Materials, Program Effectiveness, Research Utilization, Resource Materials, School Community Relationship, School Effectiveness
Publications Sales, Institute for Responsive Education, 605 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 ($13.00 prepaid or P.O.; $.50 for handling will be billed on non-prepaid orders; Deluxe edition with 3-ring binder, $20.00).
Publication Type: Guides - Non-Classroom; Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Parents; Community
Language: English
Sponsor: Mott (C.S.) Foundation, Flint, MI.
Authoring Institution: Institute for Responsive Education, Boston, MA.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A