ERIC Number: ED248210
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1984
Pages: 78
Abstractor: N/A
ISBN: ISBN-0-7743-9195-2
Parenting Education for the Young: A Literature Survey.
Karal, Pearl
A study sought to determine the need for parenting education for children (up to l9 years), and to find out what is being done worldwide in the field. Data were collected by means of a computer search of Family Life Education (FLE) literature, letters to ministries of education and educational organizations, and telephone calls to selected education personnel. A synthesis of information is presented on: (l) most widely perceived goals of FLE programs; (2) goals of courses in FLE curricula; (3) sex education and FLE; (4) sex of students and provision of FLE; (5) relation of course content to grade levels; (6) education for and about handicapped children; (7) teacher selection for FLE courses; (8) teacher support--material resources, inservice training, and human resources; (9) parent and community involvement; (l0) education in nonschool settings; (ll) new directions in the field; and (l2) parenting education research, past and future. General conclusions are presented. Appendixes include questions addressed by the study, descriptors used in the computer search, the letter sent to solicit information, sources of direct response, and references and a six-page bibliography. (JD)
Descriptors: Community Involvement, Curriculum Development, Educational Objectives, Educational Trends, Elementary Secondary Education, Family Life Education, Foreign Countries, Individual Development, Instructional Materials, Parent Student Relationship, Parenthood Education, School Role, Sex Education, Special Education, Teaching Guides
Publication Service, 880 Bay Street, 5th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M7A 1N8 ($5.00).
Publication Type: Information Analyses
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Ontario Dept. of Education, Toronto.
Identifiers - Location: Canada
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A