ERIC Number: ED245760
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1984
Pages: 12
Abstractor: N/A
How to Use the Keyword Method to Memorize New Words Fast and Surely. An Audio Tape for College Students with a Detailed Outline and Introductory Comments.
Hodges, Daniel L.
This guide summarizes the information and techniques presented on an audiotape designed to teach students to use the keyword method to memorize new words. First, introductory comments provide a rationale for the development of the materials and a discussion of their use at Lane Community College. Next, a summary is provided of the key word method, outlining the following steps: (1) study the term or concept and its meaning until you understand it; (2) choose a keyword (i.e., a word that sounds partly like the term you want to memorize); (3) make a vivid mental image of the keyword, not the original word; (4) make a vivid mental image of the definition; (5) make an interactive image of the keyword and the definition; (6) practice going from word to keyword to image and interactive image, and seeing the image of the definition and translating it into the definition's words; (7) repeat until correct; and (8) practice in reverse. The remainder of the guide provides: detailed description of the keyword method; examples; suggestions for selecting good keywords and making good imagery; information on common mistakes to avoid; practice exercises; and suggestions for individualizing the method. (HB)
Descriptors: Community Colleges, Learning Strategies, Memorization, Mnemonics, Two Year Colleges, Visualization, Vocabulary Development, Vocabulary Skills
Daniel Hodges, Testing Office, Lane Community College, 4000 E. 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405 (Audiotape only).
Publication Type: Guides - Classroom - Learner
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Students; Teachers; Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Lane Community Coll., Eugene, OR.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: This document may be used in place of the audiotape.