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ERIC Number: ED245055
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1983-Sep-23
Pages: 19
Abstractor: N/A
Births of Hispanic Parentage, 1980.
Ventura, Stephanie J.
NCHS Monthly Vital Statistics Report, v32 n6 Suppl p1-18 Sep 1983
Analysis of Hispanic birth data for 22 states in 1980 showed the following: (1) The fertility rate for Hispanic women was 95.4 births per 1.000 women aged 15-44; this rate was 53 percent higher than the rate for non-Hispanic Whites and five percent higher than for non-Hispanic Blacks. (2) Age-specific birth rates indicated that the fertility of Hispanic women was higher than that of non-Hispanics at age 20 and older. (3) Mothers of Mexican and Puerto Rican origin were younger than White non-Hispanics and older than Black non-Hispanics. (4) Associated with the high rates of childbearing at relatively young ages was the tendency toward larger families. (5) Nearly one-quarter of all Hispanic births were to unmarried mothers and the rate of childbearing by unmarried Hispanic mothers was nearly twice the rate for unmarried non-Hispanics. (6) Hispanic mothers had generally completed fewer years of schooling than non-Hispanics. (7) Hispanic mothers, except Cubans, began prenatal care at a later state of pregnancy than non-Hispanics. (8) The incidence of low birth weight among babies born to Hispanic mothers was generally comparable to that for babies born to White non-Hispanics. (CMG)
Publication Type: Numerical/Quantitative Data; Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: National Center for Health Statistics (DHHS/PHS), Hyattsville, MD.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A