ERIC Number: ED244039
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1980
Pages: 33
Abstractor: N/A
Urban School Finance: Problems and Prospects for the 1980's. Report.
National School Boards Association, Washington, DC.
This document discusses major issues in urban school finance. It has been developed around four major sections. First, it reviews the role of the states in urban school finance, using published materials and documents from the Education Commission of the States. Second, it discusses recent developments in urban school finance litigation dealing with inequalities in revenue distribution and provides an up-to-date synopsis of the role of the courts in that regard. Third, it discusses the federal role in urban school finance and explores and outlines some of the major questions under consideration by the HEW School Finance Project--a study mandated by the Education Amendments of 1978. Finally, it uses financial data gleaned from the "NSBA Survey of Public Education in the Nation's Urban School Districts, 1979" to analyze and address current fiscal realities such as the fiscal status of urban boards, expenditures, and federal assistance. (Author/CMG)
Descriptors: Court Litigation, Educational Equity (Finance), Educational Finance, Elementary Secondary Education, Federal Aid, Federal Government, Government Role, State Aid, State Government, Urban Schools
National School Boards Association, Urban and Minority Relations Department, 1055 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20007 ($7.00).
Publication Type: Reports - General
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Administrators; Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: National School Boards Association, Washington, DC.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A