ERIC Number: ED243437
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1984-Jan
Pages: 35
Abstractor: N/A
Processing Time and Question Type in the Comprehension of Compressed Speech with Adjunct Pictures.
Tantiblarphol, Subhreawpun; Hughes, Lawson H.
The effect of adding time for processing compressed speech and the effects of questions that gave adjunct pictures either a redundant or contextual function were investigated. Subjects were 144 fourth- and fifth-grade students randomly assigned to 24 groups. They listened individually to a 20-sentence story at either 225 or 300 words-per-minute (wpm). They also either looked at pictures as they listened or only listened. Questions in cued recall gave the pictures either a redundant or contextual function. Increase in recall was significantly greater at the higher than at the lower wpm rate when pause time was added between sentences, as well as when pictures were added to the story. Questions that made pictures redundant improved recall, whereas pictures that made them contextual did not. The results with respect to pause time supported several prior studies. The results with respect to the use of redundant pictures suggested that pictures can preclude a reduction in comprehension at higher wpm rates. Twenty-five references are listed. (Author/LMM)
Publication Type: Reports - Research; Speeches/Meeting Papers
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Researchers
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A