ERIC Number: ED243238
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1982-Sep-1
Pages: 67
Abstractor: N/A
The Effects of the Title I Supplement-Not-Supplant and Excess Costs Provisions on Program Design Decisions. A Special Report from the Title I District Practices Study.
Gaffney, Michael J.; Schember, Daniel M.
Drawing on data from a study of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), this report focuses on Title I's supplement-not-supplant and excess costs provisions and their effects on program design. Following discussions of the legal framework of Title I and Chapter 1 of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act (ECIA), the report's central section details findings concerning current program design practices (pullout vs. inclass), school district rationales for program design choices, and the relationship of Title I programs to regular classroom instruction. The next section, "Continuing Misconceptions about the Supplement-Not-Supplant Provision," is followed by a summary and outline of implications, a selected bibliography, and appendixed providing (1)"Title I Excess Costs Models Applying the Supplement-Not-Supplant Concept to Program Design," (2) an excerpt from a United States Department of Education Title I evaluation report to Congress, (3) an excerpt from a school district's 1981 policy memorandum discussing alternatives to the pullout approach, and (4) a 1981 school district memorandum excerpt explaining the district's elementary level excess costs for reading and math programs. The report concludes by encouraging further examination of the implementation of the requirement that federally funded compensatory education provide supplemental rather than substitute services. (JBM)
Descriptors: Access to Education, Compensatory Education, Compliance (Legal), Educational Equity (Finance), Educational Finance, Educational Opportunities, Educationally Disadvantaged, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education, Equalization Aid, Expenditure per Student, Federal Aid, Federal Legislation, Federal Programs, Federal Regulation, Government School Relationship, National Surveys, Program Implementation, School District Spending, School Funds
Publication Type: Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials; Reports - Research
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: Department of Education, Washington, DC.
Authoring Institution: Advanced Technology, Inc., Reston, VA.
Identifiers - Laws, Policies, & Programs: Education Consolidation Improvement Act Chapter 1; Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title I
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A