ERIC Number: ED242874
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1984-Apr
Pages: 126
Abstractor: N/A
Indicators of Quality in Cooperative Vocational Education: A Review and Synthesis of Research.
Leske, Gary; Persico, John, Jr.
A project was conducted to identify the major conceptual problems associated with secondary cooperative vocational education (CVE) programs, develop a model that accurately depicts the CVE process, and develop a comprehensive set of measures for quality CVE programs. Based on their review of the related literature, the researchers concluded that an information system is an integral part of the effort to justify and improve CVE programs. They then developed a model that characterized the elements of a CVE program in terms of inputs, processes, and outcomes. According to the model, inputs and processes were divided into three categories: school, job, and linkage. In each category a number of elements were then identified as necessary for an effective CVE program. Having refined this schema of quality indicators, the researchers then drafted a CVE program evaluation model that encompassed the following activities: clarification of key CVE program outcomes valued by local leaders, establishment of local standards for CVE program outcomes, preparation of instruments to obtain outcome and input indicator data, establishment of a system for analysis and reporting of information, analysis of the outcomes of CVE programs by comparing program results to outcome standards, and dissemination of local program information. (MN)
Descriptors: Accountability, Cooperative Education, Cooperative Planning, Cooperative Programs, Educational Assessment, Educational Benefits, Educational Cooperation, Educational Needs, Educational Objectives, Educational Quality, Educational Research, Evaluation Criteria, Information Dissemination, Linking Agents, Needs Assessment, Outcomes of Education, Program Evaluation, School Business Relationship, Vocational Education
Publication Type: Information Analyses
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Minnesota Univ., St. Paul. Minnesota Research and Development Center for Vocational Education.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A