ERIC Number: ED240259
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1982
Pages: 194
Abstractor: N/A
Agriculture Cooperative Training Student Workbook. [Revised].
Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Vocational Instructional Services.
This work is designed to help cooperative agricultural students (especially in Texas) to gain a better understanding of some principles that are fundamental for successful entry into the world of work. The workbook provides information needed by students to help them narrow the possible career choices that are appropriate to the individual. Also, activities are suggested that will provide experiences to help students identify career choices. The activities in the book are correlated with selected topics from the Group Instruction Handbook. The 35 topics in this workbook are self-contained, each having an information sheet, activities, and questions. Illustrations are provided for some of the topics as well as blank information forms that are to be completed by the student. Some of the topics covered in this guide include the following: choosing a career, personal qualities for the world of work, occupational requirements, the agricultural world of work, finding a job, preparing for interviews, evaluating job applicants, holding a job, employee-employer relations, social skills, personal appearance, improving conversational and speaking abilities, sources of credit and interest rates, Social Security, income tax returns, and agricultural mathematics. (KC)
Descriptors: Agricultural Education, Career Choice, Career Education, Cooperative Education, Education Work Relationship, Employee Attitudes, Employer Attitudes, Employment Potential, Interpersonal Competence, Job Search Methods, Job Skills, Mathematical Applications, Part Time Employment, Secondary Education, Taxes, Teaching Methods, Vocational Education, Work Attitudes
Vocational Instructional Services, Texas A and M University, F. E. Box 182, College Station, TX 77843 ($4.50).
Publication Type: Guides - Classroom - Learner
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Students
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Vocational Instructional Services.
Identifiers - Location: Texas
Identifiers - Laws, Policies, & Programs: Social Security
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A