ERIC Number: ED239670
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1983-Jun
Pages: 246
Abstractor: N/A
Student Housing Market Analysis: Ketchikan Community College.
Fink (Ira) and Associates, Berkeley, CA.
This 13-part report presents the results of a study to determine whether Ketchikan Community College (KCC) should provide student housing over the next 10 years. Section I introduces the purpose of the study, the college, the prevalence of college-supplied student housing at two-year colleges, and study methodology. Section II summarizes the major findings of the study in terms of enrollments, off-campus housing, student characteristics, and housing demand; and provides conclusions and recommendations. Section III presents an analysis of enrollments and enrollment projections, and section IV presents information on the surrounding comunity and available housing, occupancy/vacancy rates, rental rates, and the potential impact of two planned housing projects. Section V contains KCC student profiles in terms of demographics, housing, transportation, and employment; section VI assesses student interest and preferences regarding on-campus housing. Results of an adult population survey and a high school student survey are presented in section VII. Sections VIII, IX, and X look at alternatives and options for KCC's student housing program, estimating on-campus student housing demand; discussing the advantages and disadvantages of residence halls, suite-type housing, single student apartments, and single/married student apartments; and weighing the options of providing no housing assistance, a housing placement service, and student housing. Finally, in section XI, general and specific design recommendations for a housing unit are presented. The survey instruments are appended. (LAL)
Descriptors: Ancillary School Services, College Housing, Community Colleges, Community Surveys, Design Requirements, Educational Facilities Planning, Enrollment Influences, Facility Requirements, Facility Utilization Research, Housing Needs, Housing Opportunities, Needs Assessment, Student Characteristics, Two Year Colleges
Publication Type: Reports - Research; Tests/Questionnaires; Numerical/Quantitative Data
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Policymakers
Language: English
Sponsor: Alaska Univ., Auke Bay. Office of Facilities Planning and Construction.
Authoring Institution: Fink (Ira) and Associates, Berkeley, CA.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A