ERIC Number: ED237092
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1983-Aug
Pages: 30
Abstractor: N/A
Expert Meeting and Membership Meetings, Standing Committee Meeting. Section of Libraries for the Blind. International Federation of Library Associations. Summary.
Cylke, Frank Kurt
Two meetings of the International Federation of Library Associations Section of Libraries for the Blind (BLISTA) are summarized. The first was an expert meeting which was held in Marburg/Lahn, Federal Republic of Germany, in August 1983. Participants included 51 librarians and technical experts serving blind and physically disabled individuals in 15 countries. The presentations, which are briefly described, discussed the work of BLISTA and its structures, tactile maps and technology for constructing tactile media, the blind and new technologies, talking book libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany, paperless Braille, UNESCO/IFLA contracts relating to Braille production in Africa, the state of blindness in the third world, and the Van Schyndel Voice Indexing System. The second summary describes membership meetings and standard committee meetings held in Munich in August 1983. Presentations at the Munich meetings focused on library services in Poland and in West Germany, and new technologies. Reports of an action/reporting meeting and standing committees are also summarized. (LMM)
Publication Type: Collected Works - Proceedings; Reports - Descriptive
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Policymakers; Media Staff; Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands).
Identifiers - Location: Africa; Poland; West Germany
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A