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ERIC Number: ED233529
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1982
Pages: 87
Abstractor: N/A
A Parent's Guide to the Education of Preschool Gifted Children.
Felker, Roberta M., Ed.
The booklet presents information to help parents raise their gifted and/or creative preschool children. M. Sapon-Shevin and M. Shevin, in "Issues for Parents: Implications of the 'Gifted' Label," review the functions of labels, describe the educational needs of gifted children, and suggest ways in which parents can act as advocates. In "Issues for Parents: Encouraging Development of the Preschool Gifted Child," C. Steele and S. Gladden describe current evaluation approaches, summarize eight programs for gifted preschoolers, and list 20 ways to encourage the potential development of the preschool child. Guidelines for choosing appropriate programs are covered by M. Thormann In "Issues for Parents: Selection of a Responsive Preschool Program for the Gifted Child." E. Herda ("Issues for Parents: The Meaning of the 'Information Age' for the Preschool Gifted Child") presents an overview of current social and cultural changes and discusses the implications for raising gifted children in such a society. S. Perkins concludes with a discussion of emerging issues in the field of preschool gifted education. Appended material includes a resource listing for parents and fact sheets on giftedness from the Council for Exceptional Children. (CL)
National Association of State Boards of Education, 444 North Capitol St., N.W., Washington, DC 20001 (no price quoted).
Publication Type: Guides - Non-Classroom
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Parents
Language: English
Sponsor: Office of Gifted and Talented (ED), Washington, DC.
Authoring Institution: National Association of State Boards of Education, Washington, DC.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: The document is also a publication of the Council of State Directors of Programs for the Gifted.