ERIC Number: ED229582
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1983
Pages: 99
Abstractor: N/A
The Economic Development Opportunity. A Guide for Building VTAE District-Community Partnerships for Economic Development.
Huddleston, Kenneth; And Others
This guide was developed to assist local postsecondary community and technical colleges in designing or redesigning an economic development strategy. Section 1 explains the critical need for enhancing the development of human resources to boost the lagging productivity of the state (Wisconsin) and nation. The second part suggests an eight-step sequential process for building a local economic development plan. It provides thought-provoking questions and actual elements to be addressed in the development of an action plan for extending economic development services to the local business community. The following major areas are examined: (1) securing local commitment, (2) conducting an internal assessment of institutional resources, (3) assessing the needs of the community, (4) developing the plan itself, (5) securing institutional approval, (6) preparing for startup, (7) implementing the plan, and (8) evaluating the economic development services. Appendixes include a listing of guide assumptions, a bibliography, and a resource list. (YLB)
Descriptors: Community Colleges, Economic Development, Educational Opportunities, Labor Force Development, Needs Assessment, Planning, Program Design, Program Development, Program Implementation, School Business Relationship, School Community Relationship, School Districts, School Role, Self Evaluation (Groups), Technical Assistance, Technical Institutes, Two Year Colleges, Vocational Education
Fox Valley Technical Institute, Educational Resource Center, P.O. Box 2277, App1eton, WI 54912 ($3.50).
Publication Type: Guides - Non-Classroom
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: Wisconsin State Board of Vocational, Technical, and Adult Education, Madison.
Authoring Institution: Fox Valley Technical Inst., Appleton, WI.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A