ERIC Number: ED222190
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1981-Jun
Pages: 76
Abstractor: N/A
A Bright Promise but a Dim Future. Researchers Examine Potential of Educational Technology.
Pitts, Marcella R., Ed.
Concerns about the current educational technology movement are discussed in these four papers which were presented during a seminar of 20 representatives from 10 Council for Educational Development and Research (CEDaR) member institutions. The first by Marcella Pitts and E. Joseph Schneider provides an overview of the educational technology movement and discusses current use of and interest in technology in schools. The paper distinguishes differences between educational technology and technological gadgetry, cautioning against indiscriminate use of technological hardware without instructional expertise. The second paper by Alan M. Lesgold focuses on ways basic instructional principles derived from education and psychology can be applied to computer-based instruction. Three seminar themes are highlighted in the third paper by Richard E. Schutz: (1) the capability for CEDaR member institutions to advance educational technology and school improvement through programmatic research and development; (2) the possibility for CEDaR institutions to combine their expertise to explore instructional applications of technology; and (3) the problems of injudicious application of technology to educational problems. The final paper presents the views of a panel of experts, who comment on the services that research and development organizations can provide to schools and make specific recommendations about technology-related research issues. Each paper begins with a short summary, and references are listed for the first and third papers. (LMM)
Descriptors: Computer Literacy, Computer Managed Instruction, Educational Media, Educational Research, Educational Technology, Futures (of Society), Government Role, Instructional Innovation, Learning Theories, Man Machine Systems, Research and Development Centers, Schools, Technological Advancement, Use Studies
Publication Type: Collected Works - Proceedings; Information Analyses
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC.
Authoring Institution: Council for Educational Development and Research, Washington, DC.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: Proceedings of a Cooperative School Improvement Program Seminar (Washington, DC, June 1-3, 1981).