ERIC Number: ED220722
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1982
Pages: 41
Abstractor: N/A
Adult Education for the Handicapped. Information Series No. 240.
Larson, Gordon A.
Intended as a general guide for adult educators interested in developing community educational programs for handicapped adults, this monograph gives an overview of facts, problems, and programs peculiar to each of four handicapped populations: the physically handicapped, blind, deaf, and mentally retarded. Following an introduction that defines terms and discusses general legal aspects and problems, each of the population groups is considered in a section of its own. The first section, "Adult Education for the Physically Handicapped," discusses mobility barriers, attitudinal barriers, and some information sources of ideas for specialized programming. The next section, "Adult Education for the Blind," covers special services required in providing education for this population; also described are some existing types of programming for the blind that can be incorporated into an educational program. "Adult Education for the Deaf" discusses the deaf population, social aspects of deafness, educational problems relating to this population, and exemplary programs currently serving its educational needs. The final section, "Adult Education for the Mentally Retarded," presents a definition and categories of mental retardation, discusses educational characteristics and problems of this group, and cites some program techniques that have been successful and some information resources helpful in this area. The document concludes with an appendix of agencies that provide information and services to the handicapped, and a reference section for gathering more information. (DTT)
Descriptors: Access to Education, Accessibility (for Disabled), Adult Education, Adult Programs, Ancillary School Services, Blindness, Community Education, Deafness, Disabilities, Educational Needs, Educational Resources, Individual Needs, Legislation, Mental Retardation, Physical Disabilities, Program Development, Social Attitudes, Special Education, Special Programs
National Center Publications, National Center for Research in Vocational Education, 1960 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210 (IN240, $4.25).
Publication Type: ERIC Publications; Guides - Non-Classroom
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC.
Authoring Institution: ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, Columbus, OH.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A