ERIC Number: ED220625
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1982-Jun
Pages: 95
Abstractor: N/A
Admissions Handbook. Missouri Vocational-Technical Programs.
Associated Educational Consultants, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA.
Compiled in order to offer vocational educators in Missouri a structured, comprehensive, and nondiscriminatory guide for admissions procedures, this handbook outlines the Missouri Admissions Policy and presents concrete guidelines for its implementation. Following a statement of the Missouri policy, proven methods of disseminating and publicizing information about educational institutions is presented. The chapter on the application process delineates the sequence of steps a student must follow to become eligible for entrance into a vocational program and also identifies criteria measures that are a key to the student selection process. Examined next are the composition and role of the admissions committee, the utilization of criteria in selection, and implementation of the student appeals process. The final chapter deals with various legal guidelines for the nondiscriminatory admission of handicapped and minority students to state vocational and technical education programs. Appended to the handbook are various application and recommendation forms as well as four batteries of aptitude tests. (MN)
Descriptors: Administrator Guides, Admission Criteria, Admission (School), Aptitude Tests, Committees, Educational Policy, Guidelines, Information Dissemination, Policy Formation, Postsecondary Education, Program Development, Program Implementation, Publicity, Records (Forms), Secondary Education, State Programs, Technical Education, Vocational Education
Publication Type: Guides - Non-Classroom
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: Missouri State Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education, Jefferson City. Div. of Career and Adult Education.
Authoring Institution: Associated Educational Consultants, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA.
Identifiers - Location: Missouri
Identifiers - Assessments and Surveys: Differential Aptitude Test; General Aptitude Test Battery; Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A