ERIC Number: ED220598
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1981
Pages: 422
Abstractor: N/A
Women in Nontraditional Careers (WINC) Curriculum Guide.
Hamar, Rosalind; And Others
Intended for use by educators, counselors, and youth workers, this curriculum guide contains activities and resources for a nine-unit course to help young and adult women explore issues related to women and work and nontraditional employment. The course may be taught in a semester, over a full school year, or as a supplement to other inschool curricula or out-of-school employability programs. Topics covered in the nine units (and introduction and time required for each unit) are ideas and purposes of the course (1 week), role of women in America's history (2 weeks), women's place in the job market and jobs in the 1980s (3 weeks), community-based nontraditional job exploration (4 weeks), sex role stereotyping (2 weeks), six paths (four-year college, community college training, industry-sponsored training, apprenticeship, entrepreneurship, traditional jobs) leading to nontraditional jobs (2 weeks), strategies and tools to help succeed in nontraditional occupations (2 weeks), job-seeking and -getting skills (1 week), nontraditional life/job survival skills (2 weeks), and planning and fitting together career and life goals (2 weeks). Each unit contains an overview, activities (with objective, outline of procedures, time requirement, needed resources), and activity resources that are suitable for reproduction. Appendixes include a glossary and alphabetical indexes to activities and activity resources. (YLB)
Descriptors: Adult Education, Career Education, Career Exploration, Career Planning, Curriculum Guides, Employment Opportunities, Females, Job Search Methods, Job Skills, Job Training, Learning Activities, Nontraditional Occupations, Persistence, Secondary Education, Sex Fairness, Sex Role, Sex Stereotypes, Success, Womens Education
Publication Type: Guides - Classroom - Teacher
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: Women's Bureau (DOL), Washington, DC.
Authoring Institution: Northwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A