ERIC Number: ED219156
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1981-Dec
Pages: 269
Abstractor: N/A
Health, United States, 1981. [Sixth Annual Report].
National Center for Health Services Research (DHHS/PHS), Hyattsville, MD.; National Center for Health Statistics (DHHS/PHS), Hyattsville, MD.
This document provides the sixth annual report on the health status of the citizens of the United States. Submitted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to the President and Congress in compliance with Section 308 of the Public Health Services Act, the report presents statistics concerning recent trends in the health care sector along with detailed discussions of selected current health issues. The report is divided into two parts: the first consists of several analytic articles on selected topics in the health field, such as trends and variations in birth weight, mortality among the elderly, prevalence and management of diabetes, educational differentials in health practices, growth of health maintenance organizations, use of dental services, and employment-related health insurance. Emphasizing age-adjusted data, the second part consists of 79 detailed statistical tables organized around four major subject areas: health status and determinants, utilization of health resources, health care resources, and health care expenditures. A guide to these detailed tables is included, and descriptions of the data sources plus a glossary of terms are appended. (RH)
Descriptors: Academic Achievement, Birth Rate, Dental Health, Diabetes, Expenditures, Fringe Benefits, Health, Health Personnel, Health Services, Hospitals, National Norms, Nursing Homes, Older Adults, Position Papers, Rural Areas, Tables (Data)
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (Stock Number 017-022-00773-8, $8.50).
Publication Type: Numerical/Quantitative Data; Information Analyses
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: National Center for Health Services Research (DHHS/PHS), Hyattsville, MD.; National Center for Health Statistics (DHHS/PHS), Hyattsville, MD.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A