ERIC Number: ED218509
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1981-Dec
Pages: 124
Abstractor: N/A
ISBN: ISBN-0-85522-0910
How Do I Learn? An Experimental Programme to Introduce Young People and Their Teachers to the Many Ways of Learning. Project Report 9.
Belbin, Eunice; And Others
A project was undertaken to develop an experimental program to help young people acquire a generalized strategy for learning after they leave school. Other objectives of the program were to help teachers improve their understanding and use of various learning strategies, to develop an induction course for those purposes (entitled the "How do I Learn Course"), to develop ideas and materials for the course, and to produce a manual for use in its implementation. Over a 2-year period a basic induction course was developed and pilot tested in two colleges of further education. While the piloting of the course established its value, it also revealed several problems in understanding course content, demands for certain teaching styles, and the necessity of good organizational support. The course manual (included in this report) contains suggestions and materials for use in implementing a similar induction course. Provided in the manual are worksheets, information sheets, exercises, and transparency masters dealing with the following topics: learning to do something from a demonstration, written instruction, and undoing; learning to memorize; learning to understand something; and revising learning methods. (A review of related literature is appended.) (MN)
Descriptors: Academic Ability, Adult Education, Behavioral Objectives, Continuing Education, Course Content, Course Descriptions, Course Objectives, Deduction, Educational Benefits, Generalization, Guidelines, Instructional Materials, Learning, Learning Activities, Learning Processes, Literature Reviews, Material Development, Memorization, Observational Learning, Pilot Projects, Postsecondary Education, Program Development, Program Implementation, Study Habits, Study Skills
Publication Type: Guides - Classroom - Learner; Guides - Classroom - Teacher; Reports - Descriptive
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Further Education Curriculum Review and Development Unit, London (England).
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A