ERIC Number: ED217691
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1981
Pages: 379
Abstractor: N/A
A Learner Directed Approach to Mano. A Handbook on Communication and Culture with Dialogs, Texts, Cultural Notes, Exercises, Drills and Instructions.
deZeeuw, Peter; Kruah, Rexanna
This book for Peace Corps volunteers on learning Mano, one of the languages of Liberia, is divided into two sections. The first section consists of ten lessons and two review lessons, while the second section has eight lessons and a final review lesson. Each lesson is divided into four or five sections: (1) tests and dialogues, (2) grammatical and cultural notes, (3) vocabulary building, (4) pronunciation practice in the first three lessons, and (5) exercises. The introduction to the book provides information on the Mano language and its dialects, pronunciation variation, and English loan words. A final section of the book contains materials on individualized language learning and background information on Liberian languages. (Author/AMH)
Publication Type: Guides - Classroom - Learner
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: EnglishMano
Sponsor: Peace Corps, Washington, DC.
Authoring Institution: Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. African Studies Center.
Identifiers - Location: Liberia
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A