ERIC Number: ED215718
Record Type: Non-Journal
Publication Date: 1981-Dec-31
Pages: 226
Abstractor: N/A
The City Colleges of Chicago Face the 1980s: A Five Year Comparative Look at Faculty Personnel Practices at 31 Urban Community Colleges. A Report to the Board of Trustees of the City Colleges of Chicago.
Eurich, Alvin C.; And Others
In 1981, a study was undertaken for the City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) to compare CCC's faculty personnel practices with those of 30 other urban community colleges. Twelve areas of concern for future bargaining negotiations were studied: (1) faculty salaries; (2) overload compensation; (3) compensation for substitution; (4) nature of administrative structures; (5) role of department chairpersons; (6) released time for union officers; (7) faculty workload; (8) restrictions on the use of part-time faculty; (9) constraints on class size; (10) limitations on outside employment; (11) leaves of absence; and (12) fringe benefits. Telephone and mailed surveys and document analyses revealed that CCC was at the upper end of the scale in terms of salaries and compensation for overload, substitution, and summer work; that the faculty teaching load was relatively low; that union activities were subsidized at CCC to a greater extent than at other colleges; and that on 14 issues CCC was found to be a more liberal employer than the other schools, on 19 issues just as liberal, and on two issues less liberal. Based on the study it was recommended to increase faculty workload, employ more part-time faculty, encourage early retirement, remove limitations on class size, eliminate smaller departments, and reduce released time for union activities. Appendices include data on levels of unionization, college profiles, bargaining agreements, and part-time faculty. (HB)
Descriptors: Collective Bargaining, College Faculty, Community Colleges, Employment Practices, Faculty College Relationship, Faculty Organizations, Faculty Workload, National Surveys, Negotiation Agreements, Part Time Faculty, Personnel Policy, Teacher Employment, Teacher Employment Benefits, Teacher Salaries, Unions, Urban Schools
Publication Type: Reports - Research
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: Chicago City Colleges, IL.
Authoring Institution: Academy for Educational Development, Inc., New York, NY.
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A