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Ashcroft, Kate; Bigger, Stephen; Coates, David – 1996
This book examines issues in studying equal opportunity in colleges and universities, especially those in the United Kingdom, and methods for conducting research into equal opportunity issues. It is intended to provide a framework of ideas and starting points for research. Most of the techniques suggested are forms of participant research on a…
Descriptors: Access to Education, Action Research, Affirmative Action, College Admission
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
Sutherland, Margaret B. – Comparative Education, 1987
Discusses three areas in which prevailing attitudes seem to work against equal opportunities for women: (1) attitudes underlying female choices of certain subjects and occupations; (2) attitudes of society and employers toward women workers; and (3) attitudes which attribute child-care and domestic tasks almost exclusively to females. (JHZ)
Descriptors: Access to Education, Comparative Education, Differences, Educational Opportunities
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
Arora, Ranjit Kaur – Gender and Education, 1989
Explores equal opportunities policies in the United Kingdom with specific reference to issues of gender and race in education, and examines the practical and political implications of these policies for educational institutions. Considers the interplay of sexism and racism affecting Black women in Britain, especially in their employment as…
Descriptors: Black Teachers, Educational Policy, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Opportunities (Jobs)
Eberts, Randall W.; Stone, Joe A. – 1984
This report investigates six differences in promotions to administrative positions in elementary and secondary education and assesses the influence of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity enforcement. Conclusions are based on longitudinal data from Oregon and New York for thousands of individual educators employed during the 1970's…
Descriptors: Administrator Selection, Affirmative Action, Educational Change, Elementary Secondary Education
Bingham, William C.; Martin, Grace – 1989
Despite educational expansion, girls and women still face unequal educational and training opportunities. A fundamental cause is the perpetuation of assumptions, beliefs, and prejudices that ignore, belittle, and hinder the aspirations, needs, and capacities of girls and women. Since educational and vocational guidance can promote equal…
Descriptors: Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education, Females, Higher Education
Lane, Melissa J. – 1990
An issue of paramount concern is the supply and quality of human resources available for scientific and technological activities of the United States. Science and engineering (S&E) personnel are vital in meeting challenges in areas such as scientific research, education, technological competitiveness, and national defense. The growing demand for…
Descriptors: American Indians, Asian Americans, Bachelors Degrees, Blacks
Thomas, Patricia J. – 1984
While comments in performance evalutions usually focus on competency, potential, and personality characteristics, discussions of personality are particularly vulnerable to sexual stereotyping. To determine whether gender influences the narrative portion of naval officers' evalutions, narrative information was extracted from the comments section of…
Descriptors: Females, Job Performance, Officer Personnel, Personality Traits
Burton, Leone, Ed. – 1990
The proportion of women gaining qualifications within the educational systems of many countries has been increasing but the disciplines within which these qualifications are obtained, and ultimately of the career tracks to which such qualifications extend, continue to be sex-biased. This volume provides a start in the identification of biasing…
Descriptors: Classroom Environment, College Mathematics, Curriculum Development, Curriculum Evaluation
Davenport, William S. – 1991
In 1991, a study was conducted at Broome Community College in New York to determine the differences between those faculty members and administrators that supported affirmative action/equal access and those who did not. The study was undertaken to determine whether policies and procedures needed to be refined to ensure equal access and promotional…
Descriptors: Administrator Attitudes, Affirmative Action, Community Colleges, Comparative Analysis
Porter, Paige – 1986
This book presents a comprehensive review of the progress in equal education for females through an introductory discussion and six readings. The introductory discussion examines the theory that the state and consequently, the education system are seen as having the promulgation of the dominant class hegemony as an important part of its function.…
Descriptors: Access to Education, Educational Opportunities, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education
Schmuck, Patricia A. – 1987
Educators' disenchantment with administrative training has prompted a critical reappraisal of the knowledge base used to prepare school leaders. This paper urges the inclusion of the gender concept in discussions of research agenda for school administrators. With gender serving as an effective sorting mechanism for both clients and professionals,…
Descriptors: Administrator Education, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Opportunities (Jobs), Leadership
Mertz, Norma T.; McNeely, Sonja R. – 1987
Accurately estimating the number of female high school administrators is difficult because (1) comprehensive studies by individual position are nonexistent; (2) most state departments of education do not collect or report such data; (3) limited samples are used in studies; and (4) researchers and reporters tend to aggregate positions. Researchers…
Descriptors: Administrators, Assistant Principals, Data Collection, Equal Opportunities (Jobs)
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
Pfeffer, Jeffrey; Davis-Blake, Alison – Administrative Science Quarterly, 1987
Examines the effect of the proportion of women administrators on both men's and women's salaries in colleges and universities. Identifies four theoretical predictors: economic competition and crowding, demographic group power, group interaction, and institutionalization. Increasing the proportion of women actually decreases salaries for both…
Descriptors: Administrators, Competition, Crowding, Economic Research
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
Afshar, Haleh – Gender and Education, 1989
Contends that Muslim women in West Yorkshire (England) place an inordinate trust in the educational system's ability to deliver their children from poverty. Results of a three-generational study indicate that daughters of Muslim immigrant families, though aware of intense racism and poor prospects, try to comply with parental wishes. (AF)
Descriptors: Daughters, Equal Education, Equal Opportunities (Jobs), Ethnic Bias
Steenland, Sally – 1987
This report analyzes the number of women working in the following six decision making jobs in prime time television: (1) executive producer; (2) supervising producer; (3) producer; (4) co-producer; (5) writer; and (6) director. The women who hold these positions are able to influence the portrayal of women on television as well as to improve the…
Descriptors: Civil Rights, Commercial Television, Employed Women, Employment Practices
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