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Filous, Joseph – ProQuest LLC, 2023
Between 1820 and 1860, dozens of new denominational colleges opened throughout the United States. Nowhere was this growth as dramatic as in the Old Northwest in general and in Ohio specifically. Through the mid-twentieth century, most historians saw these colleges as steps backward in the development of higher education in the United States, with…
Descriptors: Educational History, Religious Colleges, Religious Education, Educational Change
Ambrose, Don, Ed.; Sternberg, Robert J., Ed. – Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011
In a world plagued by enormous, complex problems requiring long-range vision and interdisciplinary insights, the need to attend to the influence of dogmatic thinking on the development of high ability and creative intelligence is pressing. This volume introduces the problem of dogmatism broadly, explores the nature and nuances of dogmatic thinking…
Descriptors: Authoritarianism, Intelligence, Creativity, Educational Psychology
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Guilherme, Manuela – Journal of Moral Education, 2017
This article claims that Freire's work offers an important ground for a potential theory of intercultural ethics and, for that purpose, examines his ideas at different levels: (1) the ontological; (2) the ideological; (3) the political; (4) languages and languaging; and (5) cultural identity and diversity. Freire never used the word…
Descriptors: Ethics, Cultural Awareness, Language Usage, Portuguese
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Mitchell, Douglas – Schools: Studies in Education, 2016
Douglas Mitchell's introductory remarks on Richard McKeon's "Communication, Truth, and Society" set the theme of communication and McKeon's philosophy in the context of his lifelong friendship with the literary/rhetorical theorist Kenneth Burke. McKeon's essay is in two parts: the first is devoted to communication as a means to avoid…
Descriptors: Interpersonal Communication, Ethics, Postmodernism, Ambiguity (Context)
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Capurro, Rafael; Rodríguez Fleitas, Maximiliano – Education for Information, 2017
In this paper we present two recent information literacy and access initiatives in Uruguay and their necessary historical antecedents, and analyze them from a phenomenological perspective to provide commentary on current philosophical discussions about information and the digital divide. To provide historical context we present a brief history of…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Information Literacy, Access to Information, Phenomenology
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Leiviska, Anniina – Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2013
The philosophy of science has witnessed continuous controversy since the mid-twentieth century regarding the justification of science's privileged position, and which has also reverberated in the philosophy of science education. This contribution brings to the discussion the viewpoint of Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. I…
Descriptors: Hermeneutics, Science Education, Educational Philosophy, Teaching Methods
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Peacock, Margaret – Science & Education, 2015
The demise of Soviet genetics in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s has stood for many as a prime example of the damage that social and political dogmatism can do when allowed to meddle in the workings of science. In particular, the story of Trofim Lysenko's rise to preeminence and the fall of Mendelian genetics in the Soviet Union has become a lasting…
Descriptors: Genetics, Biology, Scientists, Political Influences
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Flowers, Jim – Journal of Technology Education, 2010
As with any field, technology education and its close relatives have numerous strengths and weaknesses. One of these weaknesses has too long been overlooked, and it is the subject of this article. One might think of technology education as empowering students, divergently fostering their own creativity. An abundance of design briefs shows that…
Descriptors: Technology Education, Opinions, Literature Reviews, Descriptive Linguistics
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Biggs, Donald A.; Colesante, Robert J. – Journal of Moral Education, 2015
The Moral Competence Test (MCT) was designed over 30 years ago to provide a resource for educators interested in conducting cross-cultural studies of moral development and education. Since its origin, it has been translated into at least 30 languages and used in hundreds of studies. However, few studies provide evidence to support the use of the…
Descriptors: Moral Values, Tests, Test Validity, Construct Validity
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Forghani, Nooshin; Keshtiaray, Narges; Yousefy, Alireza – International Education Studies, 2015
Postmodernism, born under western secular conditions, has the following characteristics: it emphasizes pluralism and relativism and rejects any certain belief and absolute value; it conflicts with essentialism, and considers human identity to be a social construct; it rejects the idea that values are based on developmental realities and also…
Descriptors: Postmodernism, Religious Education, Moral Values, Values Education
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Persson, Roland S. – Gifted and Talented International, 2012
The author recognises the fact that knowledge of cultural diversity and its implications is growing in the field of giftedness research and practice. In some ways, the target article could therefore be considered "old news." The author contends that his effort to address culture variation and its problematic impact on research, however, is not to…
Descriptors: Educational Research, Ethnocentrism, Social Bias, Cross Cultural Studies
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Ambrose, Don – Gifted and Talented International, 2012
In this commentary, the author finds the interdisciplinary approach of Roland S. Persson's (2012a) target article refreshing. Persson's (2012a) additional emphases on ethnocentricity, cultural bias and strong threads of influence from the global economy also are helpful. They shed light on some strong contextual influences that shape the…
Descriptors: Interdisciplinary Approach, Reader Response, Academically Gifted, Gifted
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Boudry, Maarten; Blancke, Stefaan; Braeckman, Johan – Science & Education, 2012
According to a widespread philosophical opinion, science is strictly limited to investigating natural causes and putting forth natural explanations. Lacking the tools to evaluate supernatural claims, science must remain studiously neutral on questions of metaphysics. This (self-imposed) stricture, which goes under the name of "methodological…
Descriptors: Evolution, Sciences, Philosophy, Science Education
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Keller, J. Gregory – Policy Futures in Education, 2011
The Council of Europe's 2008 "White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue: 'living together as equals in dignity'" points to the need for shared values upon which intercultural dialogue might rest. In order, however, to overcome the monologic separateness that threatens community, we must educate ourselves to recognize the dialogism of our…
Descriptors: Cultural Pluralism, Intercultural Communication, Social Values, Foreign Countries
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Stankov, Lazar; Higgins, Derrick; Saucier, Gerard; Knezevic, Goran – Psychological Assessment, 2010
In this article, the authors describe procedures used in the development of a new scale of militant extremist mindset. A 2-step approach consisted of (a) linguistic analysis of the texts produced by known terrorist organizations and selection of statements from these texts that reflect the mindset of those belonging to these organizations and (b)…
Descriptors: Measures (Individuals), Terrorism, Violence, Negative Attitudes
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